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Ten per cent of grown up children claim their parents are having ‘too much fun’ and ‘blowing’ their inheritance, as a generational financial tug of war takes place, according to a retirement report.
A pensions expert says she has been disturbed to discover the new freedoms may be working to the detriment of many retirees as they take out their cash and stash it in savings accounts, suffering a tax hit as a consequence.
More than one in ten people aged over 60 have no plans to ever retire, fresh research has suggested.
Mattioli Woods is to spend nearly £15m to build a new central Leicester office.
Many of the nearly two million small employers approaching their pensions auto-enrolment staging dates are in danger of missing deadlines by underestimating the amount of data needed to complete the process, an advice firm has warned.
A new online planning tool designed to create a “simple picture of pension savers’ options” has been launched.
Demand for annuities appears to have climbed, with sale increases suggesting somewhat of a recovery since the slump in April, research has shown.
The pensions industry must act swiftly and decisively itself on ‘excessive’ exit fees or it will be forced to do so by new legislation, a Sipp firm expert says.
A Leicestershire-based firm of independent financial advisers is to create its own white labelled full Sipp.
Losses due to pension scams more than tripled to nearly £5m in the month after the pension reforms took effect as liberation scams tripled, new figures suggest.
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