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Consumers have been left confused over the new pensions regime, a senior Investment consultant fears.
Sipp provider Mattioli Woods has agreed an £8,300,000 deal to take over SSAS and Sipp administration firm Taylor Patterson.
Pensioners will have £15 more in 2020 than they need every week to afford a decent standard of living, according to a report assessing the impact of the summer Budget.
There will be a shift in the Sipp sector towards firms either restricting their offering to standard assets or offering a full Sipp investment offering including non-standard investments, an industry expert has forecast.
Thousands of pensioners could be left penniless and spending their retirement in poverty, a saving provider has warned, following news that savers have withdrawn £2.5billion since the reforms took effect.
The Government needs to be more transparent about how Pension Wise is performing, a consumer watchdog said today.
A Sipp has been made available on a new direct-to-consumer online platform aimed at retirees.
Debts of as much as £100,000 are following people into their life after work, a report on retirement planning has shown.
I would recommend that everyone takes time to read the Green Paper called 'strengthening the incentive to save' – a consultation on pension tax relief.
Nearly 8 in 10 advisers expect growing numbers of pension providers will not offer their auto enrolment schemes to businesses with fewer than 30 employees.
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