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A survey of 1,000 financial advisers has found that Sipps provided by specialist providers are, on average, more popular than Sipps provided by life and pension companies.
HMRC has issued guidance today which confirms that salary sacrifice pension schemes will be able to meet the automatic enrolment requirements arriving this year, according to Hargreaves Lansdown.
AXA Wealth says it has set up its 600th Family Suntrust scheme, marking a millstone for the family Sipp plan. The average value per case is £726,000, says AXA Wealth.

The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) has unveiled its national campaign to raise awareness of auto-enrolment.

The Office for National Statistics has revealed that 1.4m people are working past their pension age, double the figure of 20 years ago.

UK employees are still expecting to fully retire at 66 and spend 16 years in retirement despite financial worries, according to Aegon.

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