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Pensions and wealth manager Mattioli Woods has increased its presence in Scotland with the appointment of new Sipp and SSAS consultant Stephen Wilson.
Sipp and platform provider AJ Bell has announced this week that its inaugural annual investment conference will be held in London on 14 November.
The OFT has agreed with business and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) on reforms to the £275bn defined contribution (DC) workplace pension market after it found some savers fail to receive "value for money."
Significant numbers of UK workers says that they expect never to be able to afford to retire fully and these individuals may form the beginning of an unretired generation.
Standard Life, which provides a range of pension products including Sipps, says that the new drawdown yield announced this week is good news for drawdown users but there is room for improvement.
Pensions consultants at Broadstone Corporate Benefits are calling on the Government to announce that the tax-free cash sums paid from pension schemes will avoid being cut in this Parliament.
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