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Two thirds of adults aged 65-74 want to be working at least part-time in retirement, according to a study.
Standard Life has said it will drop drawdown charges as it prepares for the new pension freedom rules to kick in.
A ruling from the Pensions Ombudsman regarding a Sipp could make it harder for providers to stop customers from transferring to possible scam schemes, an expert believes.
Criminals are getting ready to pounce on unsuspecting savers when the new retirement reforms take effect, a pensions expert has warned.
Compensation will start to come through to Standard Life Sipp investors in Catalyst, the failed ARM life settlement firm, after a tax issue was resolved.

A tax problem means Standard Life Sipp investors in the suspended ARM life settlement fund face an even greater wait for their Catalyst compensation to be handed over.

Scottish independence could make "a mockery" of annuities and cause significant adverse affects for pensioners, an advisory firm fears.

Standard Life's annuity sales dropped by 50% following George Osborne's bombshell announcement on the future of pensions in the Budget.
Customers with drawdown pensions at Standard Life have amassed £10bn in assets under administration, suggesting the schemes are becoming a serious alternative to annuities.
Standard Life, which provides a range of pension products including Sipps, says that the new drawdown yield announced this week is good news for drawdown users but there is room for improvement.
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