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Parliament has rubber stamped the extension of Pension Wise.
A body representing financial advisers has called for Pension Wise, the Money Advice Service and The Pension Advisory Service to be merged into one body.
Consumers using the Pension Wise service will be given more than one appointment in future, the Government said this morning.
The Government needs to be more transparent about how Pension Wise is performing, a consumer watchdog said today.
The number of Fidelity’s customers using Pension Wise before contacting the company has risen to 20%.
Plans for a secondary annuities market will not be implemented until at least 2017 after the Treasury said the move would be delayed.
Checking up on the bodies that will provide the new Pension Wise service will cost the FCA nearly £400,000 every year and an initial outlay of nearly £600,000.
An influential group of MPs has questioned if there is strong enough protection for savers under the new pensions rules.
Another six centres have been announced to provide the new face to face pensions guidance service Pension Wise.
Nearly 80% of over 55s have no intention of using Pension Wise, new research suggests.
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