Displaying items by tag: FOS
Sipps and SSAS complaints most upheld by FOS
The number of complaints received by the Financial Ombudsman Service climbed by more than 40% in the last three months of 2024.
FOS says fraud and scam complaints at record level
The Financial Ombudsman Service has reported a record 8,734 fraud and scam cases in just a three-month period this year, the highest ever quarterly level.
Fewer professional reps submitting pension claims
The percentage of professional complaints about pensions and annuities to the Financial Ombudsman Service - including from claims management companies - showed a surprise fall in the latest quarterly period, in marked contrast to a surge in professional complaints overall.
62% of SIPP complaints to FOS upheld
The Financial Ombudsman Service received 1,460 new complaints about SIPP products over the past year, according to its annual report on complaints.
PIMFA urges higher FOS case fees for CMCs
Wealth management trade body PIMFA has urged the Financial Ombudsman Service to push up proposed cases fees for CMCs to better share the burden of costs between between claimants and firms hit by a complaint.
Pension and decumulation complaints up at FOS
The Financial Ombudsman Service received a total of 95,349 complaints between 1 July and 31 December 2023 compared to 79,921 complaints in the same period in 2022.
FOS expects 30,000 more complaints in 2024/25
The Financial Ombudsman Service is forecasting that the number of complaints it is set to receive this year will hit 210,000 - nearly 30,000 higher than it predicted in December.
FOS plans to charge CMCs for bringing cases
The Financial Ombudsman Service is considering charging Claims Management Companies fees of up to £650 per case to help cut down on the tide of speculative claims that can clog up the service.
FOS to freeze case fee at £750
The Financial Ombudsman Service is to freeze its individual case fee at £750 for a third year as its strives to reduce the financial strain of its services on regulated firms.
FOS to raise compensation limit to £415,000
The consumer complaints body the Financial Ombudsman Service is to increase its maximum compensation award from £375,000 to £415,00 from 1 April.