Gaudi, the SIPP and platform fintech business, has launched a white-labelled pension income drawdown product that can be used by any financial brand.
The Treasury recently released its consultation paper on how the increase in normal minimum pension age (NMPA) is implemented. We have known for several years that the increase from age 55 to 57 was planned to take effect from 6 April 2028, so there is no surprise in the increase itself.
Westridge SSAS has recruited three new executives a week after the purchase of James Hay’s SSAS book.
The Financial Ombudsman Scheme is planning to cut 150 jobs, including management positions, due mainly to a rapid decline in PPI work follow the ending of PPI claims to the Ombudsman.
SIPP provider iPensions Group has launched a new service enabling Irish expatriates and people with Irish pension benefits to consolidate Irish, UK or other overseas pension benefits into a SIPP with the launch of a new Irish Transfer service.