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The number of pension savers who have changed how their workplace pension is invested has almost doubled in 18 months, with more investing responsibly, according to new research published today.

SIPP provider Curtis Banks has launched a new tree planning initiative that will see more than 38,000 trees planted during 2023.

Three quarters of consumers have no idea what pension acronyms such as SIPP or ESG mean, according to a new study.

In his latest column for SIPPs Professional, SSAS and SIPP expert Martin Tilley of Westbridge SSAS looks at the role of ESG in pension selection.

Four in ten (43%) financial advisers consider sustainable investments when building retirement portfolios, according to new research.

Adviser fintech firm Defaqto has added a new ESG client preference questionnaire and additional ESG data filters for DFM MPS and governed portfolios.

Financial services regulators have joined forces to address the attitude and approach of financial services firms to climate change.

More than 9 in 10 IFAs are willing to accept that ESG-focused funds and investments may produce lower returns than non-ESG funds - but believe this is an acceptable downside risk, a new study has revealed.

Almost two-thirds (63%) of investors think pension and investment providers need to be more environmentally transparent in where they invest their pensions, according to a new report.

The Personal Finance Society is working with the new International Association for Sustainable Economy (IASE) to create ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) qualifications for UK and International Standards.

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